Full Text of Petition

Below is the full text of the petition with links

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We formally request the Village of Homer Glen, being a Home Rule Unit Per Section 6 Of the Constitution of the State of Illinois pass legislation with following four purposes:

  1. Formally declare that the rural heritage and character of the Homer Glen area is of great scenic, abstract, direct, and economic benefit to the residents.
  2. Define a new overlay district called a “Rural Heritage Corridor” – which may be granted to any regions that contribute outstanding value to the rural heritage.
  3. Declare the the Parker Road, Chicago Bloomington Trail, and Hadley Road portions of County Route 1 to be a “Rural Heritage Corridor”, and list the specific contributing attributes such as the narrow roads, winding visibility, old growth trees, large lots, community, history, and small farms in this corridor.
  4. Pass a resolution urging Will county to permanently cancel any efforts to widen the right of way along County Route 1.

We urge the Village to utilize language similar to as outlined below for each of the four stated purposes:

WHEREAS, the Village of Homer Glen, Will County, Illinois (the ” Village”) is a home rule municipality pursuant to Section 6( a), Article VII of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, and as such may exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government and affairs (the ” Home Rule Powers”); and,

WHEREAS the Mission Statement of the Village of Homer Glen, Will County, Illinois (the “Village”) states “We will strive to maintain open space, preserve our unique rural character, and safeguard our natural resources. The Village encourages community involvement in order to maintain and cultivate a balance of family, agriculture, business, environment, and cultural diversity for present and future generations.”; and,

WHEREAS the Village already recognizes that the reputation for abundant plant species is widely recognized throughout the Northern Illinois region, and finds it contributes greatly to the quality of life within the village as stated in village ordinance 138-5.A.1.a; and,

WHEREAS the Village has determined that trees are unique, intrinsically significant and valuable assets. Due to their size, species, historic association and ecology, they contribute significantly to the health and general welfare of the citizens of a community as stated in village ordinance 138-5.B.1.b; and,

WHEREAS the Village has a policy to maintain respect for private property rights and to wholly refrain from any activities which are or might constitute takings or the exercise of the right of eminent domain, as set forth in the Constitution of the United States, the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the Illinois Compiled Statutes as stated in village ordinance 138-5.A.1.d; and,

WHEREAS the Comprehensive Plan of the Village states that “large lot residential areas contribute significantly to the ‘countryside’ character of the Homer Glen community”; and;

WHEREAS the Comprehensive Plan of the Village states that “encourages the preservation and retention of prime farmland to help retain the agricultural heritage of the Homer Glen area and to enhance the countryside character of the community.”; and,

WHEREAS the Comprehensive Plan of the Village recognizes that “There are a number of historical and cultural sites scattered throughout Homer Glen’s planning jurisdiction that contribute to the overall image and character of the area.”

WHEREAS the birthplace of modern agriculture – the creation of the first steel plow by John Lane in 1833 – occurred in in the Homer Glen region, Homer Township,

NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Village President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Homer Glen, Will County, Illinois, by and through its Home Rule Powers, as follows:

Section 1. Declaration of Rural Heritage value
The Village finds that the rural heritage and “countryside” character of the Homer Glen area is found to be of great value to the Village and residents. It provides both abstract benefit in it’s scenic beauty and historic tradition as well as economic benefit to the entire community. The Homer Glen area is one of the only areas within 30 miles of Chicago with agricultural production and heritage, and that rural heritage and countryside character is a primary contributing factor in the economic draw of agritourists from all across the Chicagoland area to Homer Glen Businesses.

Section 2. Creation of Rural Heritage Corridors
The Village may designate areas found to contribute outstanding value to the rural heritage and countryside character as “Rural Heritage Corridor” and state the specific contributing factors and areas that the Village finds to provide value.

A Rural Heritage Corridors shall be so declared because it is found to contribute to the Aesthetic, scenic, historic, and cultural resources, and physical characteristics of an area and is declared as important because those factors help give a community its identity and sense of place and are a source of local pride.

Section 3. Designation of Areas
The Village Comprehensive plan specifically suggests creation of a “potential ‘heritage corridor’ in the vicinity of Hadley Road and Chicago-Bloomington Road”.

Due to the narrow treelined roads, the lines of sight being naturally limited by vertical and horizontal gradients, the abundance of old growth trees adjacent to road, as well as the countryside character of large lots, local rural community, historic sites, and small farms present in this region, we hereby designate All of County Route 1, consisting of Parker Road, Chicago Bloomington Trail, and Hadley Road to be a Rural Heritage Corridor benefiting the Village, and declare that corridor and the privately held land immediately alongside the existing right of way, within 40′ of the centerline of the right of way, to be necessary for serving a public use as a Rural Heritage Corridor freely enjoyable to the public driving along the existing right of way for scenic, cultural, historic, and rural heritage value to the residents.

Section 4. Resolution
The Village hereby urges Will county to permanently cancel any efforts to widen the right of way along County Route 1, as any widening of the right of way will irreparably damage the Rural Heritage Corridor, and cause damage and harm to the quality of life within the Village.

To Will County: as a resident of Will county, or someone who spends time and dollars in Will county, specifically, along this corridor, I agree with this petition

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